How do I find out if there is a lien against my property?

  • Please utilize our Online Records Search and/or in person search on our Public Access Computers located at the Reynolds County Courthouse in the Recorders Office. Employees of the Recorder of Deeds cannot perform a lien or deed search on your behalf.

How can I get in touch with the Recorder’s Office?

  • Call: 573-648-2494 Ext 129
  • Email:
  • Visit: 2319 Green Street Centerville, Mo 63633

  • What if I pay too much when I include recording fees with my documents?

    • o A refund will be issued if the amount is $10.00 or over. Amounts under $10.00 do not warrant the administrative cost of a refund. Overages are automatically deposited into Reynolds County’s General Funds account as copies.  
    • o Outstanding refund checks are void after 120 days.

    Can employees of the Recorder’s office help me fill out legal forms?

    • Staff will check your document for the minimum statutory requirements for recording, but cannot:
      • Verify that the document fulfills the intentions of the party recording the document;
      • Give legal advice;
      • Perform deed searches;
      • Complete or fill out/type deed forms;
      • Provide notary public services;
      • Supply blank legal forms;
      • Determine ownership of a property

    How do I record a deed?

    • o Mail, the original deed, via USPS to Recorder of Deeds, PO Box 76, Centerville, MO 63633, or drop your document off in person at the Recorder's Office – 2319 Green Street Centerville, Mo 63633. Please include a check or money order made payable to "Recorder of Deeds" for the cost of the deed recording. The original will be returned to you within one week of the recording date. Also, please include a phone number in case there is a question about the deed.

    How much does it cost to record a deed at the Recorder’s office?

    • $24.00 for the first page, $3.00 each additional page. A $25 non-standard fee will be added if the document does not meet the Missouri Document Formatting Standards. This can also be found on our website.
    • If you use eRecording, additional fees may be charged by the vendor. A list of vendors can be found on the Recorder’s website @

    How can I get a copy of the deed to my property? of the deed to my property?

    • First, you will need to find information about your deed, like the book, page, and other important recording information:
      • Search for your Real Estate Information on our website @
      • Visit or call the Reynolds County Assessor’s office @ 573-648-2494 Ext 119 0r 116

    How do I make changes to the name on the deed or add/remove a name?

    • Deeds are legal documents. The Recorder of Deeds only records and advises its customers to consult with a real estate attorney or title company in preparing any deeds pertaining to real estate property.

    How can I protect myself against property fraud?

    • You can enroll in Fraud Alert on our website under the Fraud Alert tab.